Don’t miss this important retirement educational workshop!
Palm Beach County PBA – 2100 N. Florida Mango, West Palm Beach, Fl
Tuesday – May 6th, 2014 – 6PM to 8PM – Complimentary dinner provided by Too Jay’s
Wednesday – May 7th, 2014 – 12PM to 2PM – Complimentary dinner provided by Too Jay’s
Thursday – May 8th, 2014 – 6PM to 8PM – Complimentary dinner provided by Too Jay’s
Ask Yourself:
• Do I understand how the retirement plan option I choose can have long-term consequences on
my retirement income?
• Do I understand how the choices I make prior to entering DROP, during DROP and exiting DROP
will impact my retirement income?
• Do I understand how to utilize Qualified Dollars, i.e., DROP, Deferred Compensation 457, IRAs or
401(k) Plans, to supplement my retirement income without IRS penalties?
• Do I understand the changes to Florida Retirement System?
• Do I understand how to calculate my COLA (Cost-Of-Living Adjustment)?
• Do You understand the Full Potential of Your Social Security Options?
• Do I understand how Wills and Trusts can provide protection from probate expenses and taxation?
RSVP: Gail or Wendy
Call: 561-689-3745
or Wendy@pbcpba.ord
Click here to view flyer.